Read-only access to Carraighill’s high value reporting products, with options to tailor by report or geographic focus.
Research Access provides read-only access to our research reports, without the need for a full advisory engagement or the additional cost of consultancy time with senior analysts.
Our reporting eliminates noise and provides actionable insight and investment ideas.

Country Overview Reports
Each country overview report includes a full reconciliation of the household, corporate, and government sector cash flows and balance sheets, debt levels, vulnerabilities, and key opportunities and risks. This is published annually for each major country in Europe, the UK, EEM, Scandinavia, Turkey, Brazil, and Mexico. It includes major long-term structural investment considerations.
Supporting Data Reports
We publish 10 individual monthly reports providing an overview of the key data that drives the top-line and earnings of banks, property, asset management, REIT, and payment companies.
Stock Research
Fundamental stock research focused on Banks, Asset Management, Housebuilders, REITs and Payments companies across core geographies.
Investment Ideas
Using insight concluded from our monthly reports, we have a Focus List of fundamental, high-conviction ideas. These actionable insights are drawn from all sectors.